Expert advice tells you to wash your hands frequently to maintain proper hygiene. Unfortunately, without a focus on skin health, this practice may lead to hand dermatitis and an increased …

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Topics:Hand Hygiene ResourcesPublic & Commercial Use

COVID-19 has impacted many businesses due to the social distancing measures necessary to curb infection spread. Of those affected, food service businesses are among the hardest hit. After shutdowns end …

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Topics:Public & Commercial Use

Denver7 Features Meritech Handwashing Stations to Stop the Spread of Flu Germs At the start of cold and flu season, Denver7 featured Meritech automated handwashing stations during their local newscast …

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Hospitals, doctor's offices, and dentist offices have worked to improve hand sanitation with Meritech CleanTech® Automated Handwashing Stations— clinically proven to remove more than 99.9% of pathogens from hands with …

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If you're one of 22 million people setting sail on a cruise ship vacation this year, you should listen up! Even though cruise lines have taken steps recently to raise …

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According to the American Association of Port Authorities and the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association, cruises are a $37.85 billion industry in the United States, with the annual number of cruise passengers …

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The Unhealthy Habit There are few items more ubiquitous than the little bottle of hand sanitizer clipped to a purse or student backpack, the big jug of it in the …

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Topics:Hand Hygiene ResourcesPublic & Commercial Use

With the explosive growth in the spread of Norovirus and other food safety pathogens, the role of the team lead or manager in the food chain supply and logistics field …

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Topics:Public & Commercial Use