Are there Efficacy Studies for CleanTech® Footwear Enhancements?
We collaborated with a third-party GLP-approved laboratory to ensure that our CleanTech® Handwashing Stations and Footwear Enhancements remove more than 99.9% of dangerous pathogens from both hands and footwear during the 12 second hand wash cycle. CleanTech® enhancements, both the wetted boot dip and low-moisture footwear sanitizing pan, remove more than 99.9% of harmful pathogens such as Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes from footwear during the CleanTech® 12 second automated hand wash cycle
Efficacy Testing of CleanTech® and its Footwear Enhancements by Meritech
Since 1988, Meritech has performed over 50 clinical laboratory studies to test the efficacy of CleanTech® Automatic Handwashing and Footwear Sanitizing Stations. We have continued to test, improve, and re-test CleanTech® in order to definitively prove that our innovative technology is providing the perfect hand wash and footwear sanitization—every time.
CleanTech® was developed to overcome the variability of manual hygiene and to take the guesswork out of whether an effective hygiene event has occurred. By standardizing and quality controlling the handwashing and footwear sanitizing process, you can gain peace of mind that every employee and guest in your facility has clean hands and, if applicable, sanitized footwear.
Get More Information about our CleanTech® Footwear Enhancements Here!
Summary of Efficacy Studies for CleanTech® Footwear Enhancements for Food Safety:
CleanTech® Footwear Enhancements are proven to remove more than 99.9% of harmful pathogens in 12 seconds. This conclusion was yielded as a result of a series of individual studies challenging two solutions used in the CleanTech® Wetted Boot Dip and Sole Clean Low Moisture foot disinfectant tray against a variety of frequently transmitted and harmful pathogens. While it is not feasible to test every harmful pathogen a human could potentially encounter, we are confident that the selection of pathogens we have tested against provides an accurate view of how our technology and solutions would behave against commonly known pathogens.
Each of the studies (detailed below) resulted in at least a mean reduction of 99.9% of the pathogen in question. Certain studies resulted in as much as 99.998% pathogen reduction. Both sanitizing solutions effectively removed the pathogens challenged. The results of the studies referenced clearly show how CleanTech® Footwear Enhancements effectively remove more than 99.9% of pathogens from footwear in 12 seconds. For more details check out the individual studies below or download all of our efficacy studies:
Download all of our efficacy studies here!
Methodology for Efficacy Studies Conducted Using CleanTech® Footwear Enhancements

The purpose of our studies was to evaluate the effectiveness of two footwear sanitizing solutions when challenged with two organisms, Salmonella enterica (ATCC #13076) and Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC #19112), utilizing the CleanTech® 2000S with Wetted Boot Dip and Sole Clean Low Moisture foot disinfectant tray enhancements. Prior to these studies there was no standard methodology established for studying the efficacy of footwear sanitization methods. Meritech, in partnership with a 3rd party GLP-certified lab, developed this footwear sanitizing efficacy testing methodology based on existing ASTM standard test methods.

The contamination procedure is based on a modification of the test procedure described in ASTM E2784-10: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Handwash Formulations Using the Paper Towel. To establish a baseline, 60ml of the pathogen was applied to a paper towel, the test subject then stood on the contaminated paper towel for 5 seconds, then the footwear dried for 1 minute before using the glove juice method to recover the pathogen and test concentration.

Proving Effective Pathogen Removal of Salmonella with the Wetted Boot Dip CleanTech® Enhancement
Our studies with the CleanTech® Wetted Boot Dip foot disinfectant tray enhancement were against the pathogen Salmonella enterica. Using the methodology above we tested the ability of the Wetted Boot Dip foot disinfectant tray enhancement using 1,000 ppm of SelfClean hygiene solution against Salmonella enterica during the 12 second automated hand wash cycle. The transient microorganism reduction by the CleanTech® Wetted Boot Dip foot disinfectant tray was measured at a statistical summary of the mean log10 of 3.35, which equated to a reduction of 99.95% removal of the pathogen, with some results having a higher log10 of up to 3.71. This equates to a reduction of 99.98% removal of Salmonella enterica from footwear using the CleanTech® Wetted Boot Dip foot disinfectant tray enhancement.
Proving Effective Removal of Listeria and Salmonella with the Sole Clean Low Moisture Foot Disinfectant Tray Enhancement
Our studies with the CleanTech® Wetted Boot Dip foot disinfectant tray enhancement were conducted against the pathogens Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes.
CleanTech® Sole Clean Low Moisture vs. Salmonella enterica
Using the methodology above, we tested the ability of the Sole Clean Low Moisture enhancement using Sanifect D2 surface sanitizer against Salmonella enterica during the 12 second CleanTech® automated hand wash cycle. The transient microorganism reduction by CleanTech® was measured at a statistical summary of the mean log10 of 4.24, which equated to a reduction of 99.994% removal of the pathogen, with some results having a higher log10 of up to 4.53, which equates to a reduction of 99.997% removal of Salmonella enterica using the Sole Clean Low Moisture foot disinfectant tray enhancement.
CleanTech® Sole Clean Low Moisture vs. Listeria monocytogenes
Using the methodology above, we tested the ability of the Sole Clean Low Moisture enhancement using Sanifect D2 surface sanitizer against Listeria monocytogenes during the 12 second CleanTech® automated hand wash cycle. The pathogen reduction by CleanTech® was measured at a statistical summary of the mean log10 of 4.24, which equated to a reduction of 99.994% removal of the pathogen, with some results having a higher log10 of up to 4.57, which equates to a reduction of 99.998% removal of Listeria monocytogenes using the Sole Clean Low Moisture foot disinfectant tray enhancement.